Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sunset No 2

Well, I don't know what's been going on, but I've been trying to attach this photo for 2 days and it just won't play!

Well, it wouldn't play, but now apparently it's OK. Mum must have given permission to play today. Maybe I Google was grounded because it didn't do it's chores properly. I don't care, just check out this pretty picture, it's stunning.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Out of Africa

After that pretty sad post, I just thought of something.

A friend has just returned from South Africa, and he brought back some amazing photos.

I'll post the other sunset in a separate post. I don't know why, but this silly thing won't let me post more than one photo?!?!

Never mind, an excuse for another post!


I'm determined to blog every day through the week.

Trouble is, I'm not sure what to write about! But I have been told by a writer type that if I start to discipline myself and write SOMETHING every day, doesn't matter what, just something, that I will start to get a flow going (sounds a bit like my period, I don't want to do that every week day!).

So here's something. Or nothing. Whatever.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lazy Sunday

I had a lovely day on Sunday. I ran around like a chook with it's head cut off on Saturday, driving the monster to a drama workshop (like she needs help there!) and to work (proud mamma!!) and doing all that boring housey stuff. Necessary evil, but there it is.

Then I was invited to a 40th birthday party on Saturday night. Being the party animal that I am, of course I said yes & was off, with the tent packed in the car (in case of drunken excess, sensible pissedness, you know), sleeping bags, warm PJ's (it was out in cattle country, it sometimes drops below 20 degrees out there, that's cold for us tropical cane toads). Once I got there, I wanted to go home. I needed a quiet weekend at home. I just seem to have a problem with saying "NO". I think I get flattered that someone wants to play with me (how pathetic). Can you tell I wasn't the popular kid at school?

Anyway, we were back home by 10.30pm. Usually the time I get started, but I was very happy to be home. So were my puppies. I still have my black fluffy Zoe, we're still hanging in there. As long as I don't take her out of her comfort zone she's all good. And I can relate to that, I like hanging in my comfort zone when I'm feeling fragile too.

So I woke up on Sunday morning in a state of mild panic. I've had so much on lately that I didn't know what to do with myself, the housework was done and no-one was expecting me anywhere, ALL DAY!!!! So I got up & grabbed a ciggy & my book & laid back down for a couple of hours. I even had a cat nap in there. LUXURY. Then I got up, walked in circles for a bit, threw the dog's toys around the yard for a while, dyed my hair, shaved my legs, tormented the kid & watched a really crap old movie on TV. Just what I needed. To top it off, my cousin & his partner invited us out to their place for a quiet family BBQ, so off we went, to watch the sunset through the gum trees & listening to the birds singing goodnight. BLISS.

I need to say no more often and have a few more Sundays like yesterday.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's All About ME!!!

So, I've been spurred on by reading other people's blogs recently. It's reminded me why I started this journey, I'd kind of forgotten & gotten lazy.

This blog is all about ME. Me and my life, my loves, my people and my places. It is something for me to express myself in. I think that scares me a little bit. I think that might even be why I stopped for a bit. I didn't know how to express myself. Something many would find unbelievable, as I can be a rather loud person who talks LOTS.

But here goes, I'm going to try to discipline myself to blog at least 3 times a week to get myself into the habit. I need this, I internalise too much stuff & become a bit of a basket case sometimes and that's not a good thing, for me or my monster. How can I teach her to be a whole person, happy with her decisions and living her life to the fullest when I don't? Monkey see, monkey do. Scary.

I don't even know if I want a huge following (optimistic, aint I?!?!), I just want to play.

Anyway, this is just the start, although it is Friday arvo & I don't have the internet hooked up at home (has to be some perks at work) so I won't be able to post until Monday again. But that's OK, I'm going to TRY to blog 3 times a week, if it doesn't happen, I'm not going to crucify myself. There's enough people out there that'll do that for me.

I've been reading an amazing blog, "reluctantmemsahib", a lady living in the boonies in Africa. I'd set up a link, but I'm still webblog illiterate, I've got a bit more learning to do. Bugger it, if you can find my blog, get on google & look up hers, you don't need a link, stop being lazy! So I can be!! Her writing is great, not too soppy but very real. And the pictures of Africa are out of this world. I'm a bit jealous actually, I want to run away & live in a cave one day and despite all the hardships she goes through (and she puts up with a lot), I'd love to live in the middle of no where. But that's probably because I'm not a pedicure type of lady. I wish I was sometimes, but I can be a bit blokey, you know, don't go all drama queen on me, and so on. My daughter hates that, and I hate that I can't really get into the groove of all that girly stuff either. Although I did just go down the street with a girlfriend to get a kebab for lunch and stopped at a boutique & brought a BEAUTIFUL strapless dress with flowers on it. So maybe I am a bit of a girl, full of contradictions. A man would agree with that comment.

Anyway, as it is Friday arvo, and I run the social club bar at work, I'd better go & stock up the fridges, make sure there's enough coolers & heat up the cocktail frankfurts (to soak up the excess alcohol, sensible alcoholic service here you know). I've had an interesting week at work, so I really NEED that bourbon & coke. So everyone have a good weekend, I know I will!