Thursday, December 11, 2008

Zoe - RIP

I had to put Zoe down yesterday. She was in pain and couldn't get around

I'm seriously sad.

But I've got a new kitten. Very cute, no photos yet (no camera) but he's
ginger on top with a white belly & legs.

Not Zoe, but something to take my mind off things. And Chicko (the other
dog) thinks he's a new fluffy toy for her to play with. I'm thinking of
calling it ToyBoy.

Don't think The Monster will go for that. We'll see.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Party vs Sex Toy Party

Geez, I’m just about over all this Christmas crap!

I love the hype, but I’m starting to get seriously broke. Alcohol costs money you know! Not to mention all the Christmas presents, food, decorations and taxi fares (‘cause I’m too drunk to drive, and I am sensible sometimes).
And that’s apart from the kebabs brought at 6am and eaten as I stumble/parade elegantly along the Strand (shoes in hand), talking crap conversing with the dickheads/enthusiastic energiser bunnies jogging at that time of the morning. I really feel that these people need to get a life. I mean, exercise is one thing, torture is another. And it makes your boobs saggy. That’s my excuse for not doing it, and it sounds like a grand one to me!

Oops, I’m rambling again. I tend to do that. A lot.

Anyway, I went out for the work chrissy party last week (the 3rd chrissy party so far), lots of fun. But I also had friends visiting from the Tablelands so that was fun, trying to be sociable while holding onto my head (and my boated stomach, see last post) after only 2 hours sleep. Weird, I can’t sleep in anymore. I can go back to bed later with a book & doze off, but I’m up every day at 5.30am. No energy, but I’m awake.

And I got an invite for another one this Saturday night, dinner & drinks etc but I also got one for a sex toy party. I’m actually not into sex toys that much, I find the real thing funny enough without making it even funnier with props! But I think I’ll do the sex toys, I’m just sick of the Christmas thing already!

Maybe I should change my name to Scrooge.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Full of Shit

Yep, that’s me.

I never knew constipation could make you so crook.

Next time the heat starts in earnest, I’m making sure I drink BUCKETS of water.

Funny how we need that to live.

What’s that old saying, “If you don’t eat, you don’t shit. If you don’t shit, you die!”

Rather to the point, but true.

I’ll chat when my innards are playing again.

Off to eat prunes & guzzle water.