Monday, July 21, 2008


I'm Bored. A very childish thing to say, but I don't really care. I'm bored.

I work in a government job and while it is very stable and has great perks (extra holidays, leave loading, flex time etc) it really doesn't challenge my brain. That's one of the reasons for this blog, I've always talked about venturing into a bit of writing but I've never taken the plunge.

Until now.

So please be patient with me, I'm a virgin (it's been a long time since I've been able to say that!) and pretty much web illiterate apart from jumping on Google and typing in rude words to see what comes up.

I know, I know, more childish behaviour. Are you seeing a pattern yet?

Don't worry, if you stick with me you'll see LOTS of patterns in no time at all!

Now I've just got to actually transcribe all the useless information that rattles around in my head to paper, it sounded easy in theory.

Will post soon, well, as soon as I figure out how to do the above!


Single Mother on the Verge said...

yeah yeah, keep it up. It's highly addictive though... looks gorgeous out there.


QldDeb said...

Hi Single Mom
Yes, it is beautiful. My family's from England (been here since 1950) and they've gone back periodically to "see the relatives" and every time they return I'm reminded how lucky we are living in such an unspoilt country.

You'll have to check it out one day when you're a famous author & travelling the world promoting your work!