Thursday, November 13, 2008


I'm one of the luckiest people in the world. I often have to remind myself of this, that thought gets lost far too easily in this world today.

I've given birth to one child, my daughter, and she is the centre of my world. I don't let her know that too often, I don't want her to get self important, or think she has the deciding vote on things (but in reality, she does!) but she'd the reason that I get out of bed on the bad days and try to make them better.

But that's not the only reason I'm blessed. I have 3 stepsons from a lifelong friendship with a man that I still love and that loves me in return. One of the best gifts he has ever given me has been these 3 boys. Don't get me wrong, they have their moments, all of them, but I love 'em all, heaps. Well, in the past 10 years these guys have given me 7 (count them, Seven) beautiful grandkids. And that's only 2 of the boys, 1 still hasn't started!

And the whole point of this post is that I've just given my blog address to the Twin Set (One family is 2 sets of twins, 18 months apart. Keen, hey!!!), so I wanted to say a great big HELLO to my beautiful babies, who I miss so much it hurts. I'm such a proud Nanna that I want to put their photos here to brag about them, but I'm a bit wary of photos of kids that can be identified on the big old World Wide Web. Too many bad people out there and it's Nanna's job to protect. All of my babies still live in Sydney, I havn't convinced them to escape to paradise yet, but I'm still hopeful! Unfortunately all my boy's women have family down there, so I don't like my chances. But there is always holidays.

Anyway, hello my beautiful babies. I hope you feel better again soon Miss Feral, thank you for your email Lolly and when am I going to hear from the Flasher & the Footy Boy?

Nanna loves you all the way to the moon & back.

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